Dads, Step It Up For Your Teens

Co-authored by Dennis Charles, professional mentor and amazing father of five You’re busy with work and life, we know. But put it down for a minute. Stop what you’re doing, close your computer, and put attention on your teen. We all know that teens want to be more...

How Teens Become Responsible Adults

In this world of working parents and video games, in some families, teens can go through childhood and adolescence without a real sense of responsibility. They’re occupied, but not prepared for a successful life. Having responsibility for things that matter and that...

The 6 Friends Your Teen Should Avoid

Great friends are hard to find and important to keep. You know this from experience. But it may not be as clear for your teen. High school is a difficult place to find people who will bring value to your teen’s life. There is so much emphasis on social groups that...

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Download Your Free Guide: 7 Qualities of Incredible Teens

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